The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Information is pleased to announce:
Wandering Spirits:
Chinese Dream Lore & Interpretation
A Lecture by Richard Strassberg
Saturday, April 26th 2008
8:00 p.m.
Dreams have been taken seriously in China for at least three millennia. In 1562 Chen Shiyuan compiled The Lofty Principles of Dream Interpretation, the most comprehensive work on dream culture in traditional China and still the best introduction to the diversity of ideas held by the educated class about dreams. This unique treatise compiles various theories, Chen's own comments concerning the nature of dreams and their role in waking life, and almost seven hundred examples assembled from a wide range of literary sources.
Richard Strassberg, Professor of Chinese at UCLA will speak about Chinese dream lore & read from Wandering Spirits, his new translation & study of Chen Shiyuan’s enyclopedia of dreams.
This event will take place at
The Foshay Masonic Lodge
9635 Venice Blvd, Culver City
A reception will follow at
The Museum of Jurassic Technology
9341 Venice Blvd, Culver City
with a viewing of stereoscopic renderings by Paula Peng of images from Professor Strassberg’s Chinese Bestiary
$10 General Donation/ $8 Museum members, students, seniors
ALL SEATS ARE WILL-CALL. No tickets will be mailed to you. Please address queries to . If you wish to be added to our events mailing list, please write "" in the subject header of your e-mail.